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Sunday, May 29, 2011

Swell: Hereditary Angioedema Movie

Hi Everyone!
We wanted to share a link to a new film about Hereditary Angioedema (HAE) that gives a lot of interesting and valuable information about the condition, its symptoms, and other resources having to do with the disease.  We hope you take the time to watch this video-it really gives a good in-depth explanation of the syndrome and its affect on daily living from the perspective of patients that have had to live and work around the disease. We'll also be posting and article on HAE soon, but we thought it was important to spread awareness for both HAE and for this film.  Thank you so much!
SWELL Documentary Home
Swell is a documentary film that showcases the lives of people suffering from a rare, genetic disorder, Hereditary Angioedema (HAE). Upon viewing the film, you will not only learn first-hand what it is like to suffer from the disease, but also how it affects family, friends and loved ones.

Monday, May 9, 2011


Hi everyone!
Wishing you a very Happy Mother's Day!  We hope it was wonderful!

  From Heather, Daisy, and Baron