Blogger Layouts

Sunday, November 15, 2009

HMD Youtube Promo Gift Tags Holiday 2009

Hi Everyone-
I now I just posted a new video about a day ago, but since this is for the gift tags, it was pretty fast to put together. This video highlights the new gift tags that are availabe in 4 designs (and can be sign either here at my blog, or at, with 3 of the designs matching some of the Holiday cards that we have. Let me know what you think or if you have any questions either by commenting here, or you can also send an e-mail to Thanks and I hope you enjoy the video!


Friday, November 13, 2009

HMD Holiday Gift Tags for 2009!

Gift Tag Style C1-Gift Dog (Yellow)
-Gift tag with fabric gold background, metallic gold edging, and felt red gift box with small yellow dog peeking out. Present is topped with small gold bow. Gold ribbon is attached so you can tie it onto your package. Back is blank.
-Gift Tag packages come with 3 gift tags with attached ribbon
-$5.00 per package (set of 3 gift tags in package)
-SPECIAL PRICING ! $12.00 for orders of 3 packages (normally $15.00)
**Complements Card Style 12d-Miracle Gift Dog

Gift Tag Style C1-Gift Dog (Brown)
-Gift tag with fabric gold background, metallic gold edging, and felt red gift box with small brown dog peeking out. Present is topped with small gold bow. Gold ribbon is attached so you can tie it onto your package. Back is blank.
-Gift Tag packages come with 3 gift tags with attached ribbon
-$5.00 per package (set of 3 gift tags in package)
-SPECIAL PRICING ! $12.00 for orders of 3 packages (normally $15.00)
**Compliments Card Style 12d-Miracle Gift Dog

Gift Tag Style C2-Gold Paisley
-Gift tag with ivory and gold paisley fabric gold background, with small gold bow attached to the top of the gift tag. Gold ribbon is attached so you can tie it onto your package. Back is blank.
-Gift Tag packages come with 3 gift tags with attached ribbon
-$5.00 per package (set of 3 gift tags in package)
-SPECIAL PRICING ! $12.00 for orders of 3 packages (normally $15.00)

Gift Tag Style C3-Red and Gold Tree
-Gift tag with red Christmas Tree fabric background, and edged with gold mettalic ribbon. Gift tag also has small gold bow attached to the top. Gold ribbon is attached so you can tie it onto your package. Back is blank.
-Gift Tag packages come with 3 gift tags with attached ribbon
-$5.00 per package (set of 3 gift tags in package)
-SPECIAL PRICING ! $12.00 for orders of 3 packages (normally $15.00)

**Compliments Card Style 2c-Vintage Angel Christmas Tree and Puppies

Yeah, I did it ( Hopefully.....)!

New HMD Gift Tags!

Hi Everybody-
Because I forgot to add them when I started making them (which was about a month ago, so I feel a little stupid right now), I thought I would go ahead and post the new gift tags that I have available for purchase, especially since everybody's running their Christmas and Holiday ads right now highlighting all the wonderful gifts that they have available! As you can probably guess, I'm calling them Miracle Dog Tags, and I currently have 4 designs, though I think I may be adding at least 1 or 2 more soon. Hopefully, I'll be able to figure out why Blogger is prefering to not allow me to upload the photos of the tags so that others can see them, so everybody acan take a look and tell me what they think :). Until then, I've included a link to my website which has images, as well as and product/pricing information and an online order form. Again, if anyone has any comments, questions, possible orders :)....feel free to e-mail me at, or post a comment somewhere here on the blog and I'll respond back as soon as possible. Thanks!


Thursday, November 12, 2009

New Youtube Video For Elf Shoes!

HI Everyone-
Here's the new video that shoes some of the new Elf Shoes I'm making that are now available for purchase. They're avialable in a couple of different fabric designs, including, felt, and, as with everything else we're selling, 100% of the profits will go towards my new medical response service dog and the sponsoring service dog organization. They're $5 a pair, and they come in small and medium (in elf-sizes). For more information, you can go to, or you can e-mail me at (you can also leave a message here on the blog, and I'll respond as soon as possible either way). Thanks, and I hope you all enjoy!


Monday, November 9, 2009

Television and Photosensitivity:An Indoor Lightening Storm

Hi Everyone-

I thought I would diverge a little from what I usually post and attempt something a little different. Though I’ve provided some information about why I‘ve been hoping to become a part of a program to obtain a service dog, this may give some additional insight into why my family and I feel this is so important, and better explain my situation. Predominantly because it has had such a major impact on my life and on the lives of my family, and we have found very few individuals or organizations that are willing to address the issue, I wanted to include information about the current trend in broadcasting about using flashing and/or strobing lights of any form, and attempt to include information that others may find somewhat helpful about photosensitivity and its related health affect, This is by no means an exhaustive research article or intended to give medical advice of any sort; my purpose is merely to provide a platform to focus attention on the issue, and to find a constructive means to address it.

Photosensitivity can come in many forms, with some reactions ranging from the obvious and profound to the most minor of indications that the flash affected the individual. While a flash to some it may be of no importance or an annoyance, to many, it is a single event that causes not just one reaction, but will continue to affect an individual long after they have seen the single camera flash. Obtaining and maintaining seizure or migraine control is never easy to achieve, and once it has been broken, it is extremely difficult to reach the sensitive equilibrium that an individual had previous to the exposure. At times, it has taken me over a month to recover somewhat from a single camera flash, and this doesn’t include the cascade affect that the increase in seizure frequency has on my other health conditions. The same holds true for my Mother, and I know of many others who have recounted the same experiences. There have been many times in which we have been in a public situation, such as a restaurant, and an individual will become extremely enthusiastic about taking a flash photo to make sure they capture every important moment; which is certainly and unarguable within their right. Admittedly, a few times we have asked the managers at a restaurant or wherever we are to ask the individual if they could stop for just long enough for me to be carried out of the situation, though this is only at times when I have experienced so many seizure episodes that I am no longer capable of walking out. If the situation and I am able, our preference is always for us to leave before inconveniencing or restricting anyone else; it is easier both on the individual and the place of business for us to do so, though it does severely limit our ability and freedom to do what we needed or wanted to do at that business.

One example that I think many would be able to recognize the possible catastrophic affect flashes of light can have on others in the form of photoradar cameras and speed enforcement. I haven’t driven since I was 16 years old, both because of the lack of seizure/event control, and because I realized that it simply wasn’t safe for me to do so out of concern for everyone’s safety, not just mine. I made this decision willingly, even though it has not only affected my freedom but the lives of my parents and my family, and with the understanding that as soon as I was able to obtain some control over these events that I would no longer have these constraints, though would exercise caution and common-sense at times when I did seem to be in a seizure-cycle. With the installation of the radar cameras on many of the local freeways and major roads and intersections here, many arguments were made both for and against their installation, though one of the areas that could have been used by those opposed to their use that I thought would be one of the strongest was never addressed with any frequency or adequate explanation-the possible affect that the camera flash would have on all the drivers and the possible injuries, deaths, etc. that this could lead to.

However, probably one of the most problematic examples of all is the current trend for what seems to be a majority of television ad campaigns, and many television programs, to use flashing of some form or another at least once during their short time spot. One of the most striking events that epitomizes this issue was in 1997 when the “Pokemon: Pocket Monsters” episode aired in Japan, and a particular scene in the cartoon utilized a sequence of strobing red, blue, and white lights. Hundreds of children and adults had to be hospitalized because of the type and severity of the reactions that they had to this visual sequence in a children’s cartoon show, with symptoms ranging from vomiting blood to seizures, migraines, dystonic movements, and a myriad of other health issues that had long-term implications for their sufferers, many of whom had previously been extremely healthy and didn’t appear to have any underlying neurological or other physiological disorder. The reaction to this set of flashing lights wasn’t limited just to when the individual saw them or immediately thereafter; many people continued, and probably still continue to some extent, to have serious complications as a result of this type of overstimulation. This single event was enough to create a massive public panic and outcry, as well as to bring focus to the idea that a public health issue doesn’t necessarily have to be in the form of a contagion in order for it to be considered an epidemic and a very real threat to many members of society. This idea has been further cemented since by the mass-induction of seizures and similar neurological attacks caused by video and computer games, and any other media form that uses flashing, strobing, or a specific frequency of lights that is enough to affect brain function and ability. Many companies also realize the inherent risk in using this visual tactic; many electronics and similar items now come with a warning, both on the box and instructions, that there may be an inherent risk of possible seizures or similar neurological attacks with the use of their product, and that sensitive individuals need to exercise caution when using the item.

There have also been numerous studies in the medical community around the world with

documented information in regard to the affect of strobing and/or flashing lights, and the data gathered from each of these studies has been further qualified by countless hospitals, specialists and other centers of scientific research and study. This information has been further studied to the extent that certain frequencies of light, color, and strobing have been identified commensurate with the profound affect they have physiologically, and public policy has been formulated around this

information to try to protect public health. In essence, the global consensus is the same: flashing lights do have an affect on brain function, and much of the time, this affect is detrimental and causes a disruption in normal activity electrically, metabolically, and in other capacities. In addition, the extent to which it impairs normal function varies with each individual; while scalp electroencephalograms (EEGs) can effectively document electrical activity on the surface of the brain, attempting to map the inner is much more difficult, and can cause a different set of symptoms to arise as a result of where focalization is taking place.

Again, the issue of flashing or strobing lights on television may be of no importance to some or a mild irritation or annoyance to others, but to those that are affected by flashing lights, it is on-par with unleashing a bolt of lightening into their living room at multiple and random points throughout the day. Because of the very nature of advertising, the random and sporadic nature of ad placement and the need to reach a wide-viewing audience by placing these commercials on multiple channels and times throughout the day further complicates the issue in that there is no concrete means to determine at what point it’s safe to turn the television on. Admittedly, a valid argument can be made to just completely stop watching television all-together to reduce the possibility of a reaction to 0%, but to someone who has already had to give up many freedoms others take for granted, and is usually feeling somewhat isolated

already because they do have these physical limitations, it can also be argued that television is one of the few “normal” activities that people should be able to participate in for a multitude of reasons.

Another argument could be made that all television programming should be safe for everyone to watch; this isn’t an ADA issue, but is in reality keeping everyone safe. It isn’t necessary to have a visible physical reaction to stimuli in order for it to have an affect on an individual, particularly if the reaction is localized and only affects certain regions. To compound any health issue, and I really do mean

any health issue, with the type of over-stimulation that is inherent in this type of advertising is unnecessary and irresponsible. If I am fortunate enough to be able to remember the beginning of a commercial or program segment that involves flashing lights of some form, this is of some value. However, much of the time, my memory loss prior and subsequent to a seizure event doesn’t afford me this luxury, and I am dependent on my family much of the time to warn me beforehand if they recognize that this is going to occur. Needless to say, if I have any memory at all of what was being advertised, or if I ask anyone in the room with me what the commercial was highlighting, my first reaction is not to buy the product or service; if the company using these techniques has that much disregard at the point where their consumer is making the decision to utilize what they are selling, logic dictates that the customer service will probably not improve once you are their customer. This may or may not be true with each case, but when given a choice of what to buy, I will usually gravitate towards whatever product I have seen, and can remember, that hasn’t had a detrimental affect on my health or otherwise, and I’m sure there are many who would echo the same sentiment. Softer messages may be more difficult to sell, but it is safer in the long run for everyone.

My purpose with this particular blog entry isn’t meant to be a written formulation of my frustration and concern with the current fad to include visual stimuli in television advertising and broadcasting. Rather, it has taken me months to gather the courage to write something about this topic; I fully appreciate the need for freedom of the press and for expression, and I certainly don’t believe in complete government-control with any media form. I do believe, however, that television broadcasters, advertisers, and others involved need to consider that there is a reason why there are strict guidelines in other countries regarding what can and can’t be put into media outlets, and that they do have a certain amount of social responsibility to ensure public safety. If merely seeing a set of flashing lights can continue to cause a reaction for at least a month after I am exposed, I shudder to think of the ill-affects that this is causing for children with autism, ADHD, ADD, and other related disorders that are already complicated enough to handle and treat without adding in outside factors. Legislation to limit the use of flashing or strobing lights would be a possible answer, though I wonder if there were enough public outcry and obvious dissatisfaction if this could perhaps be a more effective means through which to change these practices with television broadcasters. If nothing else, it may limit the number of advertising companies to the few that may realize that there is a form of responsible advertising to convey a message that is much more effective and doesn’t create as much of a liability issue. I realize that there are many, many important issues that are being debated now, and that the long-term affects of many of these issues are so crucial that the issue of flashing lights on television seems rather meaningless. However, I also think that there are many, many people who are affected by this issue and aren’t quite sure how to go about trying to influence change in this arena. Out of the many groups we have contacted about if they were involved in any activities that would limit the flashing and strobing lights in broadcasting, we are somewhat surprised at the lack of cooperation and interest we have received from organizations that we thought would be more able to initiate change, either through the private sector or government lobbying. My hope is that perhaps by trying to share information about this issue, it will be possible to change this trend. If nothing else, perhaps because this issue isn’t as critical as the others being debated, perhaps it would be easier to effect change just because it isn’t as much of a “hot topic”.

If you are reading this paragraph, I applaud your saint-like patience, and thank you for being willing to read such a long blog posting. As you can probably tell at this point, I’m not watching nearly as much television, so I have some additional time to devote to researching and writing topics I feel are important of that I’m interested (or have a vested interest in). I hope that I included some information that was a little helpful either for yourself, a family member, or someone you know. Thank you again so much for all of your attention, patience, time, and support.


Sunday, November 8, 2009

Elf Shoes Now Available for Purchase!

Thank you for your interest in our newest holiday item! As the name probably implies, these elf shoes are big enough to be stuffed full of someone's favorite candy or any other smaller items, yet small enough to be used for a multitude of holiday festivities (not to mention that it makes shipping easier!). They are available in a diverse number of fabrics and sizes and, as with our cards, our shoes can be personalized and/or customized to ensure you receive exactly the perfect elf shoe for your needs. Please let us know how we can help at Thanks, and we hope you enjoy!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

New Holiday Card Video on Youtube

Hi Everyone-
Now that I finally was able to post the cards and their images (and together in the same post, no less!), I wanted to go ahead and also post the link to my new video for the Holiday cards while Blogger was still in a mindset to cooperate with me :). I'm particularly proud of the music, as well as the fact that you can actually see the cards on the video. Let me know what you think either here or on Youtube! Thanks!

Heather's Miracle Dog Youtube Video-Holiday 2009 Cards


New Holiday Cards Posting

Miracle Santa Dog-Style 11d
  • Red foil background with image of blue snowy rooftop and chminey, and edged with gold ribbon. Dog is sitting on roof wearing a Santa suit and hat, holding a bag of presents and a "Merry Christmas!" sign. Dog colors are available in yellow or brown. Please specify dog fur color when ordering
  • Inside verse:
"May your Christmas
be wrapped in Joy
and filled with Love
Best Wishes for
Peace, Health
and Happiness
throughout the coming year"
  • Price per card if 1 ordered : $3.25
  • Price per card if 5 or more ordered: $3.00
    • For 5 or more cards, please include $5.00 for shipping charges when calculating total order amount (&5.00 shipping charge applies per order of 5)
  • To order please e-mail Thank you!

    Miracle Santa Dog-Style 11d

  • Gold foil card with red ribbon edge, and center image of Christmas tree with star and ornaments. Christmas tree is complete with felt presents underneath, and a dog poking its way out of a the larger red gift. Dog color available in yellow or brown. Please specify dog fur color when ordering.
  • Inside verse reads:
"May the miracle of Christmas fill your heart with warmth and love.
Merry Christmas!"
      • Price per card if 1 ordered : $3.25
      • Price per card if 5 or more ordered: $3.00
      • For 5 or more cards, please include $5.00 for shipping charges when calculating total order amount ($5.00 hipping charge applies per order of 5)

Vintage Forest Angels -Style 1c
  • Green tissue background with overlaid gold pinecone ribbon edged with gold ribbon. Center artwork is snowy forest scene with two deer, 3 angels in the background decorating a Christmas tree, and 1 angel at the edge of the forest looking at the others working.
  • Inside verse reads:

" Wishing you good friends,
good times, and good cheer,
our warmest wishes
throughout the New Year!"

  • Price per card if 1 ordered : $3.25
  • Price per card if 5 or more ordered: $3.00
    • For 5 or more cards, please include $5.00 for in shipping charges when calculating total order amount ($5.00 shipping charge applies per order of 5)

Vintage X-Mas Tree Angel and Puppies -Style 2c
  • Gold tissue background overlaid with gold and red Christmas tree ribbon and edged with gold ribbon. Center artwork is of victorian parlor with a fireplace and grandfather clock, and a Christmas tree with a backet of puppies underneath. The angel iskneeling at the base of the tree plaing with the puppies while children sleep in the background.
  • Inside verse reads:

"Warmest thoughts and best wishes
for a wonderful Holiday
and a Happy New Year.
May peace, love and prosperity
follow you always!"

  • Price per card if 1 ordered : $3.00
  • Price per card if 5 or more ordered: $2.75
    • For 5 or more cards, please include $5.00 for in shipping charges when calculating total order amount ($5.00 shippig charge applies per order of 5)

Vintage Santa-Style 3c
  • Gold and red poinsettia background edged with gold ribbon. Center artwork is of victorian parlor with fireplace and a Christmas tree, with Santa and his gift bag in one corner looking in surprise to see a little girl sitting next to the Christmas tree. Center artwork is also edged with gold ribbon.
  • Inside verse:
"May your Christmas
be wrapped in Joy
and filled with Love
Best Wishes for
Peace, Health
and Happiness
throughout the coming year"
    • Price per card if 1 ordered : $3.00
    • Price per card if 5 or more ordered: $2.75
      • For 5 or more cards, please include $5.00 for in shipping charges when calculating total order amount ($5.00 shipping charge applies per order of 5)
To order, please e-mail Thank you!

Vintage Snow Children -Style 4c
  • Blue foil background with center artwork of village snow scene edged with silver ribbon. Center artwork includes children building a snowman, a group of children with a dog pointing at the snowman, and a horsedrawn sleigh in background coming towards the group of children with the dog.
  • Inside verse reads:

"Warmest thoughts and best wishes
for a wonderful Holiday
and a Happy New Year.
May peace, love and prosperity
follow you always!"

• Price per card for 1-4 : $3.25
• Price per card if 5 or more ordered: $3.00

**For 5 or more cards, please include $5.00 for shipping charges when calculating total order amount (&5.00 shipping charge applies per order of 5)

Thursday, October 8, 2009

New Youtube Video for Fall 2009 Cards!

Hi Again-
It's probably a little soon, but I wanted to mess around and see if I can do a little better on the image quality, and I have a new video posted to Youtube to highlight the Fall 2009 cards! All of these cards are available for purchase and, as always, all proceeds go towards my service dog and to the service dog organization. So, let me know what you think (especially since I think you may get a clearer video to watch, this time!), and I look forward to continuing to work on the cards!


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

New Video on Youtube!

Hi Everyone!
Though it's probably the worst quality video on YouTube at the moment, I thought I would try to put together a video that includes pictures of all of my cards and a description of my fundraiser. Hopefully, I'll be able to put together another relatively soon for my Fall and Holiday card collections (which will be off better visual quality so people can actually see the cards), and others can take a look at what we have available. Take a look at the video and the new YouTube channel, and let me know what you think! Thank you so much!

Heather's Miracle Dog General Cards Fundraiser 2009


Friday, October 2, 2009

New Fall Card Designs!

Miracle Dog Pumpkin Patch -Style 7d
Green paper background with brown inlay center, and spooky tree. Miracle dog peeking out from inside a pumpkin. Dog is centered on paper peeking out from inside a large jack-o-lantern. Inside Blank.
Other dog fur colors may be available; Breed/dog color can be specified when ordering. Other apparel for dog may be available; Please specify when ordering or requesting information

  • Price per card if 1 ordered : $3.25
  • Price per card if 5 or more ordered: $3.00
    For 5 or more cards, please include $5.00 for in shipping charges when calculating total order amount ($5.00 shipping applies per order of 5)
  • To order please e-mail Thank you!

    Miracle Dog Witch -Style 8d
    Green card with orange paper background and spooky tree. Miracle dog is centered and sitting underneath tree, wearing a witch's hat, orange cloak, and holding a broom. Other dog fur colors may be available; Breed/dog color can be specified when ordering. Other apparel for dog may be available; Please specify when ordering or requesting information.
  • Price per card if 1 ordered : $3.25

  • Price per card if 5 or more ordered: $3.00
    For 5 or more cards, please include $5.00 for in shipping charges when calculating total order amount ($5.00 shipping applies per order of 5)

  • To order, please e-mail Thank you!

Miracle Dog Candy Corn Dog -Style 9d
Green card with orange paper background, haunted house, and small spooky tree. Miracle dog is sitting at bottom of page at the end of a long, winding path, and is wearing a candy corn costume with small orange trick-or-treat pumpkin and holding a "Trick or Treat" sign. Other dog fur colors may be available; Breed/dog color can be specified when ordering. Other apparel for dog may be available; Please sepcify when ordering or requesting information.

  • Price per card if 1 ordered : $3.25

  • Price per card if 5 or more ordered: $3.00
    For 5 or more cards, please include $5.00 for in shipping charges when calculating total order amount ($5.00 shipping applies per order of 5)

  • To order, please e-mail Thank you!

Miracle Dog Ghost Dog -Style 10 d1
Purple card with creepy door photograph background and torn black fabric border., Miracle dog is sitting at right-bottom of page in a ghost costume, and holding an orange trick-or-treat pumpkin and holding a "Trick or Treat" sign. Other dog fur colors may be available; Breed/dog color can be specified when ordering. Other apparel for dog may be available; Please specify when ordering or requesting information.

  • Price per card if 1 ordered : $3.25

  • Price per card if 5 or more ordered: $3.00
    For 5 or more cards, please include $5.00 for in shipping charges when calculating total order amount ($5.00 shipping applies per order of 5)

  • To order , please e-mail Thank you!

Miracle Dog Ghost Dog -Style 10 d2
Purple card with creepy door photograph background and torn black fabric border.Miracle dog is sitting at right-bottom of page in a ghost costume, and holding an orange trick-or-treat pumpkin and holding a "Trick or Treat" sign. Other dog fur colors may be available; Breed/dog color can be specified when ordering. Other apparel for dog may be available; Please specify when ordering or requesting information.

  • Price per card if 1 ordered : $3.25

  • Price per card if 5 or more ordered: $3.00
    For 5 or more cards, please include $5.00 for in shipping charges when calculating total order amount ($5.00 shipping applies per order of 5)
  • To order, please e-mail Thank you!

HMD Vintage Card -Style 1h
Orange background with red ribbon edging, and centered picture of vintage Halloween artwork edged with gold ribbon.

  • Price per card if 1 ordered : $3.00
  • Price per card if 5 or more ordered: $2.75
    For 5 or more cards, please include $5.00 for in shipping charges when calculating total order amount ($5.00 shipping applies per order of 5)
  • To order, please e-mail Thank you!

New Halloween Card Designs!

Hi Everyone!

I've finally finished the Halloween/Harvest card designs, and I thought I would try something new and include some vintage artwork to see how it turned out-I may still tweak it a little bit, but overall I'm pretty happy with it! I've included pictures and descriptions, so please feel free to comment about anything! Thanks and I hope you all enjoy!


Saturday, September 12, 2009

Heather's Miracle Dog Now Listed with!

We are pleased to announce that Heather's Miracle Dog cards are now listed with, an online craft resource guide that offers information, advice, products, and other useful materials for crafters and consumers. We are very excited about being included with You, and hope we are able to to continue with our fundraising efforts, along with connecting with other crafters and people interested in our products. For additional information, please contact us at

Monday, September 7, 2009

Heather's Miracle Dog Now Listed with Dog!

3 September 2009
We are pleased to announce that Heather's Miracle Dog has been listed with Dog, an online dog resource guide that offers information, advice, products, and other useful materials for perspective and current dog owners. We are very excited about being included with Dog Channel, and hope we are able to provide additional information on assistance dogs as well as continue with our fundraising efforts. For additional information, please contact us at

Heather's Miracle Dog Now Listed with Wedding Wire!

1 September 2009
We are pleased to announce that Heather's Miracle Dog has been listed in Wedding Wire, an online wedding planner and resource guide that offers information and advice, and connects brides and grooms to vendors across the country! We have been included under the Stationary/Invitation category, and are pleased that our handmade cards are available through Wedding Wire. In addition to our listing on Wedding Wire, vendor information for Heather's Miracle Dog has been published in the entire Wedding Wire network, which encompasses the websites Martha Stewart Weddings, Best City Weddings (under Best Phoenix Weddings), Pinng, Wedding Wire Blog, Bridal Buds, and Wedding Aces. We are very excited about this opportunity, and look forward to being able to serve the stationary needs for weddings and associated events. For additional information, links to each of inviduals listing pages have been included, and we can be reached at

Friday, August 21, 2009

New Card Design Now Available

Hi Everybody-
Here's a new card design that's now available that a little different from the others we have. As always, please let me know if I may customize or personalize any of the cards, and if you'd like, go ahead and leave a comment in the comment section. Thanks!

Lace Doily Quad Folding Card Pink and Blue-Style 1L
  • Outside of card is composed of paper doily with four folding sides and a small pick bow. Lace sides fold up over center mounting.
  • Inside is composed of Pink and Blue floral paper with center notecard. Inside blank.
  • Price per card if 1-4 ordered: $3.00
  • Price per card if 5+ ordered: $2.75 plus $5.00 in shipping ($5.00 Shipping charge applies per order of 5)
  • To order, please visit my Artfire account, or my website to order on page or print out an order form. For any questions or assitance, please e-mail Thank you!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Available Miracle Dog Cards

Miracle Dog Cards

Thank you for your interest in our cards! Please let us know at if you would like personalized or custom-made cards for whatever occasion or event! Please note that that there will be some variation because each card is handcrafted, though every attempt for uniformity is made. Thank you again so much for your interest!

Miracle Dog Silver Snowflake -Style 1d
  • Silver paper background with white and silver snowflake-like ribbon as border. Dog is sitting centered on paper halo and wings. Inside Blank.
    • Price per card if 1 ordered : $3.25
    • Price per card if 5 or more ordered:$3.00 plus $5.00 in shipping ($5.00 Shipping charge applies per order of 5)

To order please go to my Artfire page, or website and use the forms located on the "Miracle Dog" page, or go to "Order and Donation Forms" in the sidebar for a print order form. For any assistance or additional questions, please e-mail Thank you!

Miracle Dog Ivory and Gold-Style 2d
  • Gold foil background with white ribbon border edged with gold ribbon. Dog is sitting in center of card, and has wings, halo, and cute little gold bow around its neck to coordinate with the halo . Inside Blank. Personalization Available.
  • Price per card if 1 ordered : $3.25
  • Price per card if 5 or more ordered: $3.00 and additional $5.00 in shipping ($5.00 Shipping charge applies per order of 5)

To order please go to my Artfire page, or website and use the forms located on the "Miracle Dog" page, or go to "Order and Donation Forms" in the sidebar for a print order form. For any assistance or additional questions, please e-mail Thank you!

Miracle Dog Party Dog-Style 3d
  • Multi-colored Confetti tissue background with yellow ribbon border, and center angel dog complete with sparkly party hat, halo, and wings. Also includes metallic red ribbon bow at top of card. Inside blank. Personalization may be available.
  • Price per card if 1 ordered : $3.00
  • Price per card if 5 or more ordered: $2.75 plus $5.00 in shipping($5.00 Shipping charge applies per order of 5)

To order please go to my Artfire page, or website and use the forms located on the "Miracle Dog" page, or go to "Order and Donation Forms" in the sidebar for a print order form. For any assistance or additional questions, please e-mail Thank you

Miracle Dog Pretty Flowers-Style 4d

  • White and Pink rose tissue paper background with silver starburst ribbon border. The dog is centered on rose background with wings, halo, and a tiny bouquet of flowers. Blank inside. Personalization may be available upon request.
  • Flower color/type may be specified at ordering, but is dependent on availability.
    • Price per card if 1 ordered : $3.00
    • Price per card if 5 or more ordered: $2.75 plus $5.00 in shipping($5.00 Shipping charge applies per order of 5)
  • To order please go to my Artfire page, or website and use the forms located on the "Miracle Dog" page, or go to "Order and Donation Forms" in the sidebar for a print order form. For any assistance or additional questions, please e-mail Thank you!

Miracle Dog Treat Fishing-Style 5d
  • Green tissue paper background with center pine forest tissue paper motif, and metallic gold border. Angel dog is centered on pine tissue background with wings, halo, fishing vest, floppy sparkly fishing hat, and fishing rod complete with recently caught dog treat on the end. Blank inside. Personalization may be available upon request.
  • Price per card if 1 ordered : $3.00
  • Price per card if 5 or more ordered: $2.75 plus $5.00 in shipping ($5.00 Shipping charge applies per order of 5)

To order please go to my Artfire page, or website and use the forms located on the "Miracle Dog" page, or go to "Order and Donation Forms" in the sidebar for a print order form. For any assistance or additional questions, please e-mail Thank you!

Miracle Dog Cards Available

Hi Everybody!

I was hoping to get to this sooner, but perhaps the suspense of waiting to see what I have will be a good thing :). Anyway, based on the advice of the wonderful ladies at Make Mine Pink (thank you all again!), I'm going to post the cards that I have available for purchase both on my website, as well as on my Artfire account (that I'm hoping I will be able to change the name of soon). So anyway, here are the cards, and let me know what you think, and if there's anything that you want to suggest, personalize, customize, buy perhaps............ Thanks Again!


Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Products now Available for Purchase on!

Hi Friends!

Heather's Miracle Dog has created an account with, and the Miracle Dog cards and Crocheted Calla Lilies are now available for purchase both on at, as well as on the Google site . Come and take a look at what we have on both sites, and, as always, the proceeds made from the sales of these items will go towards my service dog and the service dog organization. At some point I hope to add new items as others are sold and, again, let me know if I may be able to personalize or customize any products. Let us know what you think, and for any questions or additional information, please let me know at, or you can comment here. Thanks!


Sunday, August 2, 2009

Service Dogs: A Guide for information Blog for Those Interested in the Process

Hi and welcome to our blog! You may have heard or read about service dogs that have the ability to provide people with seizures some warning before these events happen, and you may have recently seen information on service dogs that can detect certain substances, such as peanuts, in the same manner that specially-trained narcotics dogs do. Our family had been passively doing research into seizure-response dogs and the training that was involved since Heather Bain developed seizures at the age of 13. After nine years of research, applications to the small number of service dog organizations that offer seizure-response service dogs, and being told Heather was not a candidate for their programs because she had too many other complicating health issues, we have finally found a non-profit that has offered to place and train a service dog.

In an attempt to offset expenses and the cost of the dog, we have designed an made Miracle Dog Cards that are available for purchase, with proceeds going towards Heather's service dog and the service dog organization. Also, we would be more than happy to work with anyone interested in more personalized or custom card designs, and we hope to start offering more card designs in the coming months. Again, thank you so much, and we hope you enjoy looking at what we have available!